$210.00 per initial 50 minute session.
$150.00 per 50 minute individual or family session.
Insurance is billed as a courtesy to the patient. Insurance coverage is NOT required. Many patients, for a variety of reasons, are direct self-pay.
Some insurance companies that I have agreements with include:
Clients are responsible for all charges. Payment is expected at the time of service unless previously arranged. Insurance claims may be filed (once per claim) as a courtesy to clients. Services may be covered in full or in part by your health insurance or employee benefit plan. Additional information about filing your insurance is covered under FAQs.
Cash, personal checks, or credit cards are accepted for payment at the time of service. You may also make payments for sessions online on this website with a credit card.
Office Hours
Dr. Evans accepts appointments for slots Monday through Wednesday, beginning with 9 a.m. appointments and ending with 6 p.m. appointments. Every effort is made to get you into the office the week that you call for an appointment. Testing and evaluation services are provided on Thursdays.
* – rates subject to change without notice